Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Statistics • COVID-19 response
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First COVID-19 Stats Twitter chat

On 1 April at 9AM ET/1PM UTC the UN Statistics Division, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and Open Data Watch hosted on Twitter a #CovidDataChat in which representatives from National Statistical Offices and their partners discussed the challenges they are facing in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, share potential solutions, and identify immediate technical assistance and funding needs. Below we share a selection of responses from the discussion as well as a list of resources shared during the chat. To see more of the online conversation, follow the hashtag #CovidDataChat on Twitter.

  • #CovidDataChat Q1: What are the main challenges your organization is facing in responding to #COVID19?
  • #CovidDataChat Q2: How are you adapting your current field data collection efforts, whether it be a survey or census, to the new circumstances during the #COVID19 crisis?
  • #CovidDataChat Q3: Which actions are you taking to respond to #COVID19? (a) Telecommuting of staff (b) Phone/web data collection (c) Use alternative sources (admin records, big data…) (d) New data products on COVID19 (e) Dedicated webpage or dashboard. (f) Other (please explain)
  • #CovidDataChat Q4: How are you partnering with actors in your country to open up private and non-traditional sources of data to the public during the #Covid19 response, while ensuring their quality and suitability to produce trustworthy statistical outputs?
  • #CovidDataChat Q5: What type of additional resources are most urgently needed to enable the National Statistical System of your country to continue operating effectively during the #COVID19 crisis?
  • #CovidDataChat Q6: Which tools are you developing or using to respond to the #Covid19 crisis?

Sharing of resources

In addition to the answers shared during the discussion, participants shared new resources and publications that their respective organizations have created in response to COVID-19:

Stay tuned!

Thank you to all who joined the first #CovidDataChat on Twitter. We look forward to continuing the discussions in the next one. Please visit our website or follow @UNStats on Twitter for more information on the next #CovidDataChat’s date.