Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Statistics • COVID-19 response
Data solutions

Better disaggregated data to assess the implications of COVID-19 on women and men

This article is also available in Russian.

In order to measure and monitor differences in COVID-19 incidence and fatality rates between women and men, data disaggregated, as a minimum, by sex, age groups and geographical areas are urgently needed. It is also highly recommended to ollect and disseminate additional data on employment, occupation (to capture the most vulnerable workers), household type (e.g., one person, couples without children, couples with children, lone parents, extended family), and access to social protection and to mobile and virtual services (e.g., health, education and financial) during physical distancing and/or isolation.

These data are important to understand the different burden and impact of COVID-19 on women and men and to properly address shortcomings and specific vulnerabilities and risks, including to mental health disorders and domestic violence. To that end, while adhering to the principles of data confidentiality and protection, it is important that countries and international agencies consistently disaggregate the information they collect, analyse and disseminate on COVID-19 by sex, age and location.